
About Kimberly Haji

I have always been deeply affected by art in the natural world. The way the wind blows a spider web. The gentle arch of a tree limb. Making things with my hands has been a way for me to move through the world. When I first touched fiber and wove a piece - my soul was instantly ignited. Weaving, and touching string is one of our most primordial instincts. We’ve been doing it since time immemorial. What joy and pleasure to be silent in a space touching string and making beautiful things that resonate with such a deep core sense of well-being, community and connectedness. Art fine tunes and taps into the harmonics of group consciousness and it is extraordinary. I believe that the touching of materials while being in states of grace translates that experience of upliftment and graciousness and healing into the very item itself. The art becomes a living, breathing emotional vibrational component of any space that it occupies. I truly feel gratitude that I get to experience this energy moving through me and into the fibers I am weaving, to be sent out into the world.